The Phenomenon of Education in the Context of an Intercultural Philosophical Approach
The Phenomenon of Education in the Context of an Intercultural Philosophical Approach Rakhmat KARIMOV
The article discusses the principles of coordination of intercultural philosophy with the main vectors of develop-ment of modern spheres of education. The mechanisms of the formation of intercultural philosophy sincethe end of the 20thcentury have been investigated. The etymological analysis of the concepts of “dialogue”, “discussion”, “contact”, “interac-tion”, “polylogue”, “speech of many” and “multiple contacts” is carried out. The authors analyze the processes ofcorrela-tion, mutual influence and communication of cross-cultural discourse in the context of comparative philosophy and syn-thesis of cultures both from a general theoretical and method-ological perspective. Special attention is paid to the prospects of studying the phenomenon of intercultural and interregional interactions of the philosophy of education, comparative and intercultural philosophy.