Philosophical and Psychological Approach to Self-Development of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers
Philosophical and Psychological Approach to Self-Development of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers Svitlana KRYSHTANOVYCH
The study?s main purpose is to highlight the philosophical and psychological aspects of the self- development of scientific and pedagogical workers in the context of the development of the education sys- tem. The article uses various methods to conduct research, namely general scientific methods: formal- logical, systemic, structural-functional, concrete-historical. The pedagogical synergetics is considered as part of the research. Pedagogical synergetics, which explains the development of a complex system, edu- cation, is a new philosophy of the educational process. Pedagogical synergetics makes it possible to ap- proach the development of problems of the development of pedagogical systems and the pedagogical pro- cess in a new way, considering them primarily from the standpoint of openness, co-creation and orienta- tion towards self-development. As a result, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical approaches to self-improvement are characterized