Social and Philosophical Aspects of the Genesis of the Discourse of Multiculturalism
Social and Philosophical Aspects of the Genesis of the Discourse of Multiculturalism Volodymyr BEKH
Definitions of multiculturalism are inconsistent and often contradictory, but common to its definitions is the demographic observation of the existence of several cultures in most societies. Multiculturalism as a theoretical concept is one of the most controversial discourses of our time, formed because of particular historical circumstances. The first mention of the concept under study tended to a cosmopolitan interpreta- tion, meaning mixing nationalities and the expansion of identities. Later, the term “multiculturalism” was understood as a variety of languages and cultures. Later, this term was used to describe the demographic fact of megacities inhabited by people of different cultural and ethnic origins. The principal purpose of the article is to highlight the social and philosophical aspects of the genesis of the discourse of multicultural- ism. The article uses the methods of formal-logical, systemic, structural and institutional analysis in order to highlight the social and philosophical aspects of multiculturalism.