Technological Progress, Artificial Intelligence Development and Ethical Paradigms
Technological Progress, Artificial Intelligence Development and Ethical Paradigms Septiana MAHARANI
In the historical landscape, technological discovery and development have significantly impacted human life, individually and communally. The significant impact of technological development is positive or negative depending on the influence of human vision, plans, strategies, and implementation on the design of these technological developments. Given that human-technology relations are symbiotic in the sense that it is affecting each other, or furthermore along with human-nature relations which make triadic symbiosis, ethics has a crucial role in maintaining humanity level and the stability of life, including the anticipation that technology will not become a disaster in the future. This research seeks to analyze the artificial intelligence (AI) development in Indonesia, one of the developing countries with a high level of attention to technological development, by offering an ethical paradigm as its basis. This paradigm is based on three principles, namely, (1) responsibility, (2) awareness, and (3) sustainability. Against the historical-philosophical backdrop of the technological development in human life and its relationships and possibilities, the offer of the ethical paradigm is intended to be the basis for the design of AI vision, strategy, and implementation as management of all the impacts of AI development, including the positive potential.